To strengthen capacities of all parties and advocate global health policy especially in the region


  • To create a platform for Global Health in Mahidol University and international partnership
  • To organize the advocacy meetings with partners at national and international
  • To create Global Health Education program including both of local and international short-term training programs
  • To develop the Mahidol University Active Ageing Policy Watch Center (MAPC)


  • To develop cooperation among Mahidol Universities and related partners to accelerate and implement the Global Health


  • Capacity Building: Global Health-related academic degree programs, training, and workshops are our vehicles to build and drive the collective capacities for local and international experts to play a key role in Global Health.
  • Research: MUGH partners and engages in research collaborative works on Global Health by generating insights, synthesizing Global Health-related information, and facilitating the development of research works on Global health.
  • Connection: MUGH aims to build partnership and collaboration among relevant partners and stakeholders on Global Health at the national, regional, and global levels to contribute to developing and advocating the Global Health Policy.